Ways to give

Help Us Bring Hope to More People, for Many More Years

Thank you for your supporting Futures in Education. With your help, we can continue to reach out to those families in our communities who most need assistance in providing a values-based, Catholic education to their children. There are many ways to support our mission, but when you include a gift as part of your overall estate and financial plans, you help ensure that we’ll be here tomorrow to continue guiding people from vulnerability to empowerment.

Ways to Give

There are almost as many variations on ways to make a donation as there are needs to be met. Explore this section to discover new ways to make a gift that also take into consideration your personal circumstances and the needs of your loved ones.estate and financial plans, you help ensure that we’ll be here tomorrow to continue guiding people from vulnerability to empowerment.

Outright Gift

For of Gift

  • Cash
  • Stocks/securities
  • Real estate
  • Insurance
  • Vehicle

Benefit to Futures in Education

  • Perpetual income
  • Interest income used for schools and scholarships

Benefit to You

  • Income tax deduction
  • No capital gains tax on appreciated gifts


Support Futures In Education with one of the most popular and simplest ways to make a gift.

Form of Gift

  • Cash
  • Real estate
  • Personal property
  • Percentage of estate
  • Remainder of estate
  • Remainder of estate after other obligations have been satisfied

Benefit to Futures in Education

  • Bequest will be held in perpetuity and invested to fund scholarship support designated by the donor

Benefit to You

  • Possible estate tax deduction
  • Opportunity to make a perpetual gift

Beneficiary Designations

Continue supporting our work even after your lifetime by naming us as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance or insurance annuity assets.

Charitable Gift Annuities

Make a donation and, in turn, receive a fixed annuity payment each year for life.
Form of Gift

  • Cash
  • Stocks/securities
  • Real estate

Benefit to Futures in Education

  • Upon the death of the donor or last surviving annuitant, remaining assets generate interest income for Futures in Education

Benefit to You

  • Guaranteed fixed income for life
  • Portion of income is tax-free
  • Income tax deduction
  • Reduction of estate taxes

Charitable Remainder Trusts

In the right circumstances, this plan can increase your income, reduce your taxes, unlock appreciated investments, rid you of investment worries and ultimately provide very important support.
Form of Gift

  • Cash
  • Stocks/securities
  • Real estate

Benefit of Futures in Education

  • Futures in Education receives substantial future gifts to support the work of schools named by the donor

Benefit to You

  • Variable or fixed income
  • Option to defer income
  • Income tax deduction
  • Reduction of estate taxes
  • No capital gains tax on appreciated gift (or deferral, in some instances)

Charitable IRA Rollover

Under the extended charitable IRA legislation, if you’re aged 70½ or older you can make charitable gifts now to Futures In Education using funds from your individual retirement accounts (IRAs) without undesirable tax effects.
Form of Gift

  • Name Futures in Education as beneficiary of death benefit

Benefit to Futures in Education

  • Significant gift upon death of donor

Benefit to You

  • Opportunity to make a major gift
  • Estate and income tax savings

Gifts of Life Insurance

Make a gift of either new or in-force policies to “leverage” your gift through the unique financial features of life insurance.
Form of Gift

  • Names Futures in Education as policy owner and/or beneficiary

Benefit to Future in Education

  • Futures in Education receives full face value of policy upon death of the donor or may receive current surrender value prior to donor’s death

Benefit to You

  • Opportunity to make substantial future gift to Futures in Education at current manageable cost
  • Income tax deduction for value of the policy when transferred
  • Premium payments may be deducted as gifts

Endowed Gifts

A powerful way to make a gift to us in your name or in the name of a loved one while realizing tax benefits for your kindness.

Give Your Home, But Live There for Life

Make a gift to Futures In Education of a remainder interest in your home, receive sizable tax benefits now and continue living in your home for the rest of your life.

Donor Advised Funds

Access the giving power of a private foundation without the expense or complexity.

Charitable Lead Trusts

Make a donation now while reducing the tax burden for your heirs in the future.
Form of Gift

  • Cash
  • Stocks/securities
  • Real estate

Benefit to Future in Education

  • Income for duration of trusts helps Futures in Education meet tuition needs that exceed the capabilities of most schools

Benefit to You

  • At end of trust period, principal returns to donor or heirs
  • Principal can pass to others with little or no shrinkage
  • Tax deduction

Donate Now

For a confidential review of your Planned Giving Options, or for additional questions, please call Kaitlin Leonard, at 718.965.7375 ext. 1610.