New Developments: A Night About Planned Giving

By Nick Vendikos
Director of Development

Recently, thanks to the generosity of Futures in Education board member John Duane and U.S. Trust, I had the opportunity to participate in a panel discussion about planned giving.

Overlooking the beautiful midtown Manhattan skyline, the reception was a rousing success as it planted the seed for future planned gifts for Futures.

The Q&A segment was outstanding as I was joined by some of the leading financial consultants and attorneys in the industry.

In a nutshell, the evening proved one irrefutable fact: Planned Gifts – Wills, Life Insurance gifts, Charitable Gift Annuities, Donor Restricted Funds – and so many other financial vehicles provide a donor opportunities to leave legacy gifts to Futures in Education.

Many alumni of our Catholic schools and academies are very supportive of Futures annually as a way to say “thank you” to a special teacher or to their alma mater for providing a terrific, faith-based educational foundation. These same donors are also contemplating legacy gifts to ensure Catholic education is a viable and affordable option for our current and future generations.

If you are interested in more information about leaving a legacy gift and joining our Fons Vitae Society, if you have already left a planned gift to Futures and have yet to inform us, please call me at 718.965.7308 or email me at

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