Established in 1989, the mission of Futures in Education is to ensure that the gift of an excellent Catholic education continues to be a viable option for current and future generations of deserving students in Brooklyn and Queens. We provide assistance to the neediest of those students, regardless of their religious denomination, through endowment funds and fundraising programs that focus on key educational priorities. The median annual household income of our scholarship recipients is $28,000, with 31% of families living at or below the poverty level.
Our mandate is simple: No child should be denied a Catholic education due to financial hardships.
About our Schools:
- Elementary: 86 schools, 27,394 students
- Secondary: 18 schools, 12,300 students
- Total: 104 schools, 39,694 students
Minority Students
- More than 60% of students are minorities; almost 24% are non-Catholic
Cost Efficient:
- Per pupil spending averages $5,650 compared to $20,226 per pupil in NYC public schools; savings to NYC taxpayers – over $800 million per year
Average Tuition
- Average tuition in Diocesan Catholic elementary schools of $4,250 covers only 75% of costs; the rest comes primarily from fundraising and donations
Our 8th Grade Results*:
- 74% will attend Catholic or other private/specialized high schools.
- 538 were offered $8,838,220 in merit-based scholarships to attend these high schools
- 63 were accepted into specialized schools
- 99% of students in Catholic secondary schools graduate within four years; compared to 61.3% for NYC high schools
- 98% of students in Catholic secondary schools go on to college
- Only 31.4% of NYC high school grads are college ready
- ELA and 8th grade Math test results consistently outpaced NYS and NYC schools
*58 schools reporting
Scholarships Awarded in the 2015/2016 Academic Year by Program:
Number of Recipients = 4,873
Amount Awarded* = $7,069,755
* Partial scholarships are awarded in a range from $500 to $2,700 per student/year. Annually, an additional $11 million in financial need goes unfulfilled (66% of 8,499 student applicants were awarded; many of those awarded do not receive funds that match their actual need).
Funding Sources:
Special Events – Annual Scholarship Fund Dinner, Joe DiMaggio Award Dinner, Angels on the Fairway Golf Outing, Bishop’s Christmas Luncheon and Spirit of Christmas Concert
Corporate and Indvidual Gifts
Endowment Fund
Foundation Grants
Our Donor Programs:
Be an Angel to a Student Program
An Angel sponsors a student in a Catholic elementary school by providing partial tuition assistance starting at $1,500/year. An Archangel supports two or more students. An Angel has the opportunity to receive correspondence and reports cards from the students. At the annual Angel Reception, students and their Angels meet face to face. Angels witness firsthand the academic and spiritual growth of those to whom you provide the gift of a Catholic education. Be an Angel to a student today!
Catholic Alumni Partnership (CAP)
CAP reconnects alumni with their Catholic elementary schools to create the base for a local school development program.