From Msgr. Jamie J. Gigantiello

April 2015

Dear Friends of Futures:

As we start spring, I pray we use this time to reflect on our response to the gifts bestowed upon us.

Each year, benefactors like you reflect on the blessings they have been given, in love and generosity with a gift to Futures in Education. For this we are forever grateful!

This year, we once again look to you to help us give the gift of an excellent Catholic education to students in Brooklyn and Queens. Our great boroughs are not those of tremendous affluence and lack the prestige of “Park Avenue” and “Beverly Hills” necessary to balance the poorest communities in New York State found within our borders. We understand the financial struggles and sacrifices made by our supporters, which make whatever support you give ever more significant.

We hope you find this e-newsletter informative and engaging and look forward to your response. Together, though the gift of Catholic education, we can break the cycle of poverty one child at a time.

I once again thank you and please know that you will be remembered in my prayers – please remember me in yours!


In Christ’s Peace,
Rev. Monsignor Jamie J. Gigantiello
Vicar for Development
R.C. Diocese of Brooklyn

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